[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)


jrp | editions

DEAREST / Magali Reus

ロンドンを拠点に活動するオランダ人ビジュアルアーティスト、マガリ・レウス(Magali Reus)の作品集。作者の客体性に対する考えを本の形にした一冊。

作品やそれらのディテール、3Dレンダリング、モックアップ、研究写真に至る様々な資料が交互に掲載されており、作家がつくり出すオブジェやフォルムが具体的にどのようにつくられているのか、制作プロセスとリサーチアーカイブを明らかにしながら、同時に本書そのものが強度のある作品として成立しています。装丁は現代を代表するブックデザイナー、イルマ・ボーム(Irma Boom)が手がけており、作者の3つの作品シリーズ「Dearest」(2018年)「Empty Every Night」(2019年)、「Settings」(2019-2021年)をもとに、3冊の本をテープで留め、本文には様々な種類の紙を用い、透明感のある紙でそのレイヤーを利用したページ構成など、没入感のある非常に洗練されたアーティストブックとなっています。

A collectible publication on Magali Reus' thinking of objecthood (an immersive and highly refined artist's book—three assembled volumes, different types of paper, transparency play on layers—based on three new series by the Dutch artist).

Renowned for her particular take on what contemporary sculpture can be and express, Magali Reus draws on a vast range of formal influences and references, from the domestic to the industrial, the functional to the decorative, creating works that evolve as a fascinating accumulation and layering of visual details.

Designed by Irma Boom, one of the most prestigious graphic designers active today, this artist's book offers a unique approach to art making through the unveiling of the sources, visual imagery, and connections that gave birth to the realization of three emblematic series by Magali Reus: "Dearest," 2018; "Empty Every Night," 2019; and "Settings," 2019–2021. Conceived as a space where the viewer can take their time to get a closer, more intimate connection to her work, the publication alternates views of the works, close–up details, and various materials—from a 3D technical rendering and production calculations to mock ups, samples, and research photography. Sharing her production, process, and research archive, Reus allows the reader to decipher the circulation of motifs from one medium to another, her specific take on the ideas of hierarchy, representation, and systems of production, and how she explores the tensions between nature, technology, and the impact of postindustrial human activity. The book gives full credit to her ongoing thinking on objecthood and how the objects and forms she creates take on a strange, disobedient agency. Made of three separate volumes, featuring different paper and taped together, this collectible publication is itself a powerful object.
Three contributions by art critic and curator Anthony Huberman ("Leather and Logistics"), writer and art historian Philomena Epps ("The Other Hour"), and artist and writer Sean Burns ("A Love Affair") analyze the artist's practice through art historical and literary perspectives.

Pages: 288
Size: 240 x 320 mm

published by jrp | editions, 2024