[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)



Masahisa Fukase 1961-1991 Retrospective

写真家・深瀬昌久の作品集。本書は、東京都写真美術館で開催された展覧会「深瀬昌久1961–1991 レトロスペクティブ」にあわせて刊行されたもの。妻・洋子を十年以上に渡って撮影し続けたシリーズ「洋子」や、妻との離別後に故郷・北海道へと向かった旅を起点に撮影された「鴉」、鴉と同時期ながらそれらと対極にあるような描写がされた「サスケ」ほか、「遊戯」や「家族」など代表作を中心に、1960年代から1990年代にかけて活動した作家の作品が包括的にまとめられています。私生活との強い結び付きをもって生まれた深瀬作品を、前作との繋がりやその背景とともに読むことができる一冊です。

「ある対象を撮って、それを捉え得るとは僕は決して思わない。自分にとって大事なことは、その中にどれだけ入っていけるかということ。どれだけ自分を反映できるかということ。ファインダーをのぞく行為自体が肉化したものでありたいということ。〈中略〉写真はもっと自由自在に使えるような気がしてならない。自分の存在をひっくるめての関わり合いができるのではないかと思う」 深瀬昌久、1969年


This book collects the works of photographer Masahisa Fukase, published alongside the Fukase Masahisa 1961–1991 Retrospective at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. It includes key series like Yoko, a decade-long exploration of his wife; Raven, taken after his separation from her in his hometown of Hokkaido; and Sasuke, shot alongside Raven but reflecting a different emotional tone. The book features a selection of works from the 1960s to the 1990s, offering insight into Fukase’s personal life and artistic development. Through these photographs, readers can better understand the connections between his life experiences and his photography.

"I never think that I can capture a certain subject by taking a photograph of it. What is important for me is how deeply I can enter into it, and to what degree I can cause it to reflect me. I want the very act of looking through the viewfinder to be a flesh-and-blood action... I strongly feel that photography can be freer, more open. I believe it is possible to relate to it in a way that encompasses my entire being."ーMasahisa Fukase, 1969

By focusing intently on his personal life, Masahisa Fukase carved out a unique place for himself in the history of Japanese photography in the 1960s. While exploring the origins of photography, Fukase developed a major practice among a group of artists associated with what later came to be known as shi-shashin ("I-photography").

Fukase pointed his camera at those in his immediate surroundings, including his wife and family; and while exposing his own private life, he consciously explored the madness that lay deep within himself. This madness led to remarkable and unparalleled works that combined Fukase's loving gaze for his subjects with his carefree sense of humor.

This book "Masahisa Fukase 1961-1991 Retrospective" boasts a substantial assemblage of works, including major Fukase works, such as "Yūgi (Homo Ludence)", "Yōko", "Karasu (Ravens)",  "Sasuke", "Kazoku (Family)", and "Bukubuku".

Pages: 216
Size: 220×148 mm
cloth hardcover

Designed by Toshimasa Kimura, Tanuki

Published by AKAAKA, 2023