[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)



Loose Joints

DIAS / Pia Riverola

スペイン人フォトグラファー、ピア・リヴェローラ(Pia Riverola)の作品集。作者が生み出す太陽の光が降り注ぐイメージは、世界各地のヴィネットのぼかしが肩の力を抜かせ、一日のリズムを呼び覚ます。


Spanish photographer Pia Riverola's sun-drenched images evoke the rhythm of a day in an effortless series of vignettes from around the world.

Días, a tonal collage of places and days by Spanish photographer Pia Riverola. Renowned for her evocative, hazy imagery, the delicately-sequenced Días uses motion, blur, and dappled light to create a sensory and synaesthetic experience, transporting you to a memory long-forgotten, plucked from time. Riverola's dreamy images, soaked in atmosphere, evoke feelings of distance and travel: from neon-lit rainy Japanese nights, a Mediterranean breeze lifting a Spanish tablecloth, or Italian drizzle softly falling beneath an umbrella in a Roman garden.

A self-taught photographer, Riverola's images contain a casual offhandedness; candid like an overheard conversation, intimated and muffled like a late-night call with a friend, celebratory and in wonder of the world. As if peeling away the layers, the days of toil and tribulation to see the world anew, Días feels cleansing and deep in its essence, joyful yet sombre in the way Riverola's oblique evocations roll away before your eyes. With Días, Riverola continues to explore her passion for capturing the essence of place, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the poetic beauty of her journeys.

Pages: 144
Size: 170 x 205 mm    

published by Loose Joints, 2024