フランス出身のミュージシャン、リュック・ジョリヴェ(Luc Jolivet / Norman Bambi )によるポケットサイズの作品集。数年前から台湾に住む作家の鋭い観察眼は、台湾で多くのオフィスチェアが屋外に置かれ、人々がおしゃべりや昼寝に使っていることを発見しました。これらの椅子は、退屈なオフィス生活を送る代わりに、より良い生活と自由を楽しんでいるように見えます。2021年に作家が20部限定で自費出版したものを、nos:booksが増補版として刊行したもの。
French musician Luc Jolivet (a.k.a. Norman Bambi) has been living in Taiwan for several years. His keen observations have discovered the many office chairs being put outdoor in Taiwan, where people use them for chat or for nap. These outgoing chairs seem to enjoy better life, and more freedom, instead of leading a well-planned but boring office life. Jolivet's amusing chair photos are now collected in this tiny pocket book.
The first edition of Out Of Office was self-published by Jolivet in 2021, including only 8 chair photos, in a limited print run of 20. Now nos:books publishes this expanded edition consisting 43 photos, all put in your pocket.
- Pages: 48 Size: 85 × 60 mm Offset printing. PVC cover with hotfoil & embossing Accordion fold