[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)


Tofu Collective

TYPHOON: In the Eye of Taiwan’s New Artistic Whirlwinds

コペンハーゲンを拠点に、中華圏の現代美術の発展を目的とした活動を続けるアーティストコレクティブ「Tofu Collective」による作品集。本書は、彼らが行った台湾のアートシーンに対する包括的なリサーチの成果であり、台湾の出版社「dmp editions」との協働によって制作されたもの。台湾の若手作家から代表的なアーティストまで、多様な作家たちの作品が収録されています。内部と外部の視点を通して、ローカルとグローバル、自然と人工、身体と心、過去と未来といった二項対立を行き来しながら、台湾の芸術におけるアイデンティティの深さと多様性を巡ります。『Typhoon』は、個人の物語に焦点を当てた「ME」と、広い視点から集団のアイデンティティをテーマにした「WE」の二冊組となっており、現代台湾の複雑さと独特の声を解き明かそうとしています。

Typhoon is a product of comprehensive research and forged friendships by Tofu Collective – compiled in collaboration with dmp editions and an esteemed board of advisors – airing an eclectic capture of the streams that flow, intersect, and diverge within the many layers of Taiwanese art circles, through diverse portrayals of both promising younger artists and heavyweight practitioners. From inside and outside perspectives, we move through the sheer depth and variety of identities, fluctuating between an abundance of dichotomies, between local and global, natural and artificial, body and mind, past and future. Planned as a double-release dubbed ME–WE, Typhoon is conceptualized as two parts of a whole negotiating between the layers of collective and personal identity in order to uncover some of the complexities and distinct voices of contemporary Taiwan. The ME issue explores artistic endeavors rooted in introspection shaped by personal narratives, whereas the WE issue widens the lens and encourages reflection upon a grander scheme of shared memory, cumulative experience and societal progress.

Designed by WAAITT and Tofu Collective

Volume 1: WE
Featured artists: Sid and Geri, Elug Art Corner, Lea Shu Cheang, Dondon Hounwn, Ping-Yi Chen, Dorairolg, Yu Ning Kuo, Yun-Pei Hsiung, Ya Wen Li, Luo Jr-shin, Kai-en Chen, Jung Woo Yea, Homing Hsieh, Su Hui-Yu, Chia Yu Hsieh, Zito Tseng, Kenneth Lin Ting Yu, Hou I Ting, Jamie Chieh Ming Chun of The Bridgehole Project, Zhang Xu Zhan, Tsai Ming-Jiun, Stephanie H Shih, Lee Tzu Tung

Volume 2: ME
Featured artists: Chen Nienying, Manbo Key, Pin Chun Kuo, Yu Cheng-Ta, Yuen Hsieh, Betty Apple, Su Misu, Wen Gum Gum, Chang Nienwei, Chang Yu Hsuan, Kuang I Ku, Shih Yung Chun, Ciwas Tahos

Pages: 168+168
Size: 220×280×40 mm
2 softcover books in a slipcase
Color (CMYK+Pantone Colors)

Published by Tofu Collective, dmp editions, 2024