[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)




2021年にニューヨークとコペンハーゲンを拠点に創刊されたファッション批評誌『VISCOSE JOURNAL』は、ファッション・アートスカラーでありキュレーターのイエッペ・ウゲルヴィグ(Jeppe Ugelvig)を編集長に、ジャンルを超えた思考を提案し、広告を掲載せず研究機関や美術館と協力して発行されています。

第7号では、香りとファッションの関係を探求し、歴史的・現代的視点から香りを多角的に検証。香りが衣服やジェンダー、記憶、アイデンティティなどに与える影響を考察し、社会的・芸術的・資本主義的な要素を統合する試みを紹介しています。また、第60回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ韓国館と協力し、アーティストのク・ジョンア(Koo Jeong A)による「ODORAMA CITIES」を特集。作品は香りと記憶、空間知覚の関係を掘り下げ、触覚や非物質主義といったテーマを通じて嗅覚的な体験を提供しています。

Launched in 2021 and based in New York and Copenhagen, this fashion criticism magazine, led by editor-in-chief Jeppe Ugelvig, publishes issues on a non-regular basis, each focusing on a specific theme. The magazine challenges traditional boundaries, proposing cross-disciplinary ideas to expand the possibilities of research, creation, and critique in fashion. Without relying on advertisements, it collaborates with research institutions and museums to sustain its publication.

The seventh issue explores the enduring connection between scent and fashion. Through historical and contemporary perspectives, it examines how fragrance intertwines with clothing, gender, memory, and identity. By embracing scent as a medium of knowledge and creativity, the issue delves into its sensory, artistic, and capitalist dimensions, offering insights into its cultural significance.

Additionally, this issue is published in collaboration with the Korean Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale, featuring artist Koo Jeong A’s project, ODORAMA CITIES. The work investigates the relationship between scent, memory, and spatial perception, reflecting Koo's recurring themes of non-materiality, weightlessness, and infinity. The pavilion integrates these concepts with sensory experiences, transforming the space into a collection of olfactory memories through sculptural and fragrant installations.

Pages: 128
Size: 200 x 300 mm
color, black and white

published by VISCOSE, 2024