[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)




Yui Yaegashi. 2024 - 2009 / Yui Yaegashi

東京を拠点に活動する画家、八重樫ゆいの初のモノグラフ。本作『Yui Yaegashi. 2024-2009』では、70点近い作品を近作から順に収録。両手に収まるほどのサイズで制作された作品を、[E]展示風景 [A]全体像 [D]細部の3つに分けて構成しています。これらは独自の参照システムによって互いに連関し、読者は本の中を行き来しながら、折々差し込まれたエッセイとともにその文脈と詳細を見ることができます。各エッセイは、美術評論家、ギャラリーオーナー、コレクター、アーティスト、作家、キュレーターによって寄稿され、それぞれが所有する、あるいは親密な関係にある絵画に焦点を当て、特定の作品を通して作品全体を照らし出しています。


最近の個展:「View from here, an occurrence」, LambdaLambdaLambda, プリシュティナ, 2022; 「HINAGA」, La Maison de Rendez-vous, ブリュッセル, 2022; 「purple, black, fog」, Parrasch Heijnen, ロサンゼルス, 2022; 「Yui Yaegashi」, Queer Thoughts, ニューヨーク, 2021.

八重樫ゆいの作品を取扱うギャラリー:MISAKO & ROSEN (東京), Parrasch Heijnen (ロサンゼルス), i8 Gallery (レイキャヴィーク).

Yui Yaegashi. 2024 - 2009 is the first monograph dedicated to the work of Tokyo-based painter Yui Yaegashi. The book features almost seventy works, shown in context and in detail through an original referencing system, inviting readers to go back and forth across the book, looking at the evolution and permanence of certain motifs. The catalog is punctuated by six texts written by an art critic, a gallery owner, a collector, an artist, a writer and a curator, each focusing on a specific painting with which they have an intimate relationship, illuminating the general work through the particular.

Yui Yaegashi was born in 1985 in Chiba, Japan. She currently lives in Tokyo.
For more than fifteen years now, Yui Yaegashi has dedicated herself to examining the core of abstract painting: the infinite chromatic variations, the interplay between flatness and depth, the delineation of an image and the limits of the canvas. But she achieves this ambitious and seemingly mystical agenda in a quiet, non-dramatic way. Here the Modernist quest meets the materialist conditions of craft. Based on the structure of textiles, her works are composed through a series of predetermined rules in terms of scale, tools, color, and texture, which are transgressed along the way by means of improvisation. This results in mostly small-scale oil paintings of interwoven layers, whose delicate and sovereign presence is undisputable. The capacity to convey so much visual wonder through such concise and humble brushstrokes locates Yaegashi’s territory somewhere at the intersection of Anni Albers’ and Niele Toroni’s works.

Recent solo shows include View from here, an occurrence, LambdaLambdaLambda, Prishtina, 2022; HINAGA, La Maison de Rendez-vous, Brussels, 2022; purple, black, fog, Parrasch Heijnen, Los Angeles, 2022; Yui Yaegashi, Queer Thoughts, New York, 2021.

Yui Yaegashi is represented by MISAKO & ROSEN, Tokyo, Parrasch Heijnen, Los Angeles, and i8 Gallery, Reykjavik.

Pages: 224
Size: 220 x 150 mm

Published by Keijiban, 2024